Welcome to Chayil BOSS, the Home for inspiration and Christ-based Warrior Bosses who are Priestly Kings and Queens! We embody strength, leadership, and regality that comes from Yahweh. Chayil BOSS shares faith, motivational, professional, real life and biblical lessons through Coaching, Books, Gospel Art (Gifts & Merch), Fashion and Experiences. Amidst it all we are proactive about living victoriously by both enjoying and succeeding in everyday life.
I yielded to His mandate over me as a Priestly Queen (one who adds value) and Chayil BOSS was birth as an Identity and Community of the Royal Priesthood. I always get asked how I coined the term "Chayil BOSS". The summary is that it is an accumulation of information from my personal bible studies over a period of years which includes my fascination for Hebrew words. The words overcomer, conqueror, chayil and warrior kept ringing in my spirit at one season and I blurted out "I am a Chayil BOSS".
It is not a coincidence you are reading this because you are one too. As we journey through life from a place of Victory we can inspire each other. This is a season for us to be intentional about being greater than kings, more powerful than rulers and richer than nations. Cheers to being ambassadors of God's Kingdom and continuous improvement in every area of your life with the help of Christ. Keep being the boss of your life and CEO of your future, virtuously.
Beloved of Christ & Priestly Queen,
Preye Ombu aka Lady P.

What is Chayil and Who is a Chayil BOSS?
Using Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (2009) we find that Chayil, pronounced Khah-yil, is a Hebrew word translated into words like army, courageous, a force [resourceful], efficient, diligent, trustworthy, loyal, industrious, valour, virtuous, warfare, army, warrior, wealth and worth.
Our identity is from the Lord and not in our careers or from people. For instance, the farmer and judge named Gideon in Judges 6:12 was informed the Lord was with Him and as a result he became a Valiant Warrior which is translated from the Hebrew word ‘Gibbor Chayil’. Also, David’s group of mighty warriors (2 Samuel 23:8-38) are also described as ‘Gibbor Chayil’. In addition, people with high social standing and wealth like Boaz in Ruth 2:1 was described as a “mighty man of Valour” translated as ‘Gibbor Chayil’.
In Proverbs 31, Chayil is used to describe the Proverbs 31 character, applicable to both males and females. A Chayil is a virtuous person who loves God and has strong moral and mental qualities. We see that King Lemuel, in verses 1-9 of Proverbs 31, receives advice on moral and mental qualities of royalty from his mother. The verses that follow speak about a noble woman and her husband including how their household runs.
In summary, a Chayil person is resourceful and industrious, applying wisdom in every aspect of life including money management, caring for people especially those in need, encouraging others, embodying justice, and reverencing God. A Chayil BOSS is fearless even in life’s battles and has “Stubborn Faith”. Chayil embodies the meaning of a real boss!
Hence, a Chayil BOSS is a Warrior BOSS that is a part of the virtuous take over generation and the Royal Priesthood who proactively strives to do better and to be better in every sphere of life with the help of Christ. It is all about being the boss of your life and CEO of your future whilst inspiring others and fighting through life’s battles armed with the Word of God.